Day 2 of the Teacher Week '13 Blog Hop! I am so excited to see all of the classroom pictures and get some new ideas and inspiration. Here's a little peek into my classroom. Let me start by saying that we have to deal with a lot of fire marshal regulations, so I don't have as much hanging on my walls as some of the other fabulous classrooms I've seen! I also feel like my classroom is very small for a kindergarten classroom and I definitely need more storage! But, despite all of that, it's my home away from home and I love spending my days there. :)
Here's the door to my classroom. School started for us last week, so we've already decorated our door with our names!
Stepping inside, here's what everything looks like from the door. The large black cart in the center is my technology cart. It houses a computer, projector, document camera, and an e-beam. I do not have a smart board (we only have 7 in our school) so I have to make due with this! :)
Moving to the left and around the room, here is my word wall, writing center, housekeeping center (dramatic play), and my old little classroom computers.
I bought this from Target online this summer at a clearance price of $26! I'm using it this year for math stations.
Above the math stations is my number wall. I love these number posters and having the ten frames on display has really helped my kiddos!
To the right of the math stations is the monster I call Blue Shelf. Behind the curtains are math manipulatives on the right and then puzzles, games, Legos, Lincoln Logs, and other things for kids to choose during developmental centers.
On top of the Blue Shelf we keep our supply baskets. I used to keep them on the tables full time, but I've had years where the kids could not stop playing with their supplies when it was time to listen, or they would fight over where the basket went on the table. So, we keep them here and get our supplies when we need them.
To the right of the Blue Shelf is my desk area and bookshelves with my read-aloud books and teacher resource books.
Under my desk I keep storage drawers that organize our activities for Monday-Friday, as well as our writing and math journals.
Here's our large group gathering spot at the front of the classroom. I bought this shaggy black rug at Wal-Mart last year and my kids love sitting on it. It also does a good job of hiding the cords from my technology cart.
To the right of that, we have blocks, big books, and cubbies.
We have to display essential questions and standards. I used black and white polka dot washi tape to section off that part of the board.
Our school has placed an emphasis on vocabulary, so here is my vocabulary wall. I only put up the words we are focusing on that week.
This is the system I use for lunch choices. The kids move their clip to let me know what they're having for lunch.
I used a clip chart last year for behavior, but this year our school decided to go school-wide with behavior sticks. It's the same idea as a clip chart, only the stick is mobile and goes with us to specials and to lunch. I just had to fancy mine up with polka dots!
So, that's about it! :) Be sure to hop over to Blog Hoppin' to check out other classrooms!