Friday, May 10, 2013

Five for Friday...

Oh my goodness! Exhausting does not even begin to describe the last two weeks of the year in a Kindergarten classroom! My to-do list is seriously 20 items long! And my kiddos seem to have started their summer break last week!

But we have 4 days left. Yes, you heard that right... 4 days! Holla!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching today for another Five for Friday!

1. Our school has one of these HUGE spoons for each grade level... we call them (surprise!) the Silver Spoon Award. The class in each grade level that has the best cafeteria behavior for the week gets to display the spoon outside their classroom door. My class has had the silver spoon for kindergarten for the past 2 weeks! This is actually huge, people! My lovelies have had a very hard time with lunchroom behavior and cleanliness this year. So, I'm proud of them for this accomplishment!

2. This week was Teacher Appreciation Week... our PTO sent a letter home giving each day a theme for parents to send gifts to the teachers. Tuesday's theme was to bring your teacher a piece of fruit... this day actually turned out better for me than Monday's flower theme!

3. Thursday was Field Day! We had a blast and the weather was perfect! And these purple tie dye shirts that I made for my kiddos looked ah-mazing! :)

4. This one's a little sad. But, this is also one of the hazards of being in my class this year. Luckily, I'm not only a kindergarten teacher, but a baby doll surgeon... she's recovering well. :)

5. Last, but certainly not least... this showed up on the laminator at school... it just brightens everyone's day! And why wouldn't it??! Now we just can't help but smile when we laminate stuff!

Seriously people... 4 more days!!


  1. iI'm already a follower! Love your blog! Four days left? I'm jealous!!! Your tie dye shirts are great!

    1. Thanks, Sandy! It was my first time tie dying and I wasn't sure how they'd turn out. The kids loved them!

  2. I might have to get a poster like that for my home laminator! :)

    Popped over to visit from the linky.

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

    1. One of my kindergarten teammates put it on the lanimator and everyone in the building has been talking about the pleasant surprise when they laminate!


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