Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter... The Hunt is On!

Happy Easter Weekend, everyone! Today was crazy with our egg hunt! Well, if you can actually call it a hunt... we don't have a lot of trees or grass or other good places for hiding eggs. So, we just sort of throw them out for the kids to "vacuum" up!

But, here's a hunt that's really a hunt! Click below to check out my TpT store to hunt for my 5 favorite items that I've put on sale... 20% off!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Four day week...

Don't you just love a good four day week? Part of me has a love-hate relationship with them, though... of course I love having a Friday off! But, the rest of the week always feels a little rushed as we try to pack everything in!

This week we're starting our unit on measurement! I love teaching measurement to my kiddos and they always seem to have so much fun with it! This year, our school is placing a HUGE emphasis on vocabulary... today we focused on the terms "longer" and "shorter". Maria Menore's Shorter and Longer freebie was PERFECT to use for this! My kids did such an awesome job cutting their colored strips into two pieces and comparing them to see which was longer and shorter. When we were finished, they asked to do it again! That's the sign of a successful learning activity!


Check out my latest freebie on TPT!


Enjoy your week!

Gearing Up for Back to School!

Wow, this summer has flown by!  I can't believe I only have 2 weeks left before I report back for pre-planning!  As the summer comes t...