Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back to School Time is Looming...

I went to my classroom yesterday to try and start putting things together for the new school year.  This takes serious dedication because the air conditioner is not on in the building in the summer time. It was HOT!  I walked in to this and had to take a few deep breaths before getting started...

Moving furniture by yourself in a steaming hot classroom is tough!  But, I have no choice... it needs to get done and pre-planning is just not enough time to arrange the classroom as well as prepare everything else that's needed for Open House and the first week of school!  I stayed for a few hours and left it looking like this...

There's still a lot to do, but I put a dent in the mess!

I'm also excited to finish up an activity pack I've been working on for back to school... Color Fun!  I plan to spend a lot of time working on colors and color words for the first few weeks, so I'm glad to have this resource finished and ready to go!  It has emergent readers, printable practice sheets, and center activities.  Click on the picture below to check it out... it's on sale for the next 24 hours!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday...

We got back from vacation this past Sunday and I've needed most of this week to recuperate from the trip and do laundry! :)   We had a great week at the beach once the rain in the beginning stopped!

Less than three weeks left of my summer and lots to do to get ready for my new kiddos! 

This week I'm linking up with The First Grade Parade for Favorite Pins Friday!


School Related Pins

I am loving this cute way of displaying where your class is!

This counting bears bag activity is perfect for early in the school year!

This idea looks like the way to cut down on my kids who like to dig through the large crayon tub for what seems like hours when they aren't interested in doing their work! :)

Non-School Related Pins

These looks delicious and low in calories!

I think that this headband and bow holder is adorable!

These look pretty simple to make and have endless possibilities since they're made with fabric!

Gearing Up for Back to School!

Wow, this summer has flown by!  I can't believe I only have 2 weeks left before I report back for pre-planning!  As the summer comes t...