Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Five...

What a busy week!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for a Friday Five!

1.   My kids are hilarious!  This seems to have become a favorite activity during our developmental center time!

2.  We worked hard on cutting apart and assembling sentences.

3.  We read Elmer and wrote some awesome story responses!  Have you read this book?  I love it!  Do you have to use commentary on student work at your school?  We are encouraged to add commentary to displayed writing.  I love cutting fun shapes from post-it notes and using that to write me commentary.

4.  My friends and co-workers at school threw me an adoption baby shower this week!  It was amazing!  I loved these monthly onesies!

5.  And, here's how generous everyone was!  I just couldn't believe it! :)  Only 4 more weeks until baby girl's due date!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

So Ready for Halloween!

I love Fall!  It's my favorite season to celebrate in the classroom!  Part of what makes is so great is Halloween and Thanksgiving so close together!  My kiddos this year are loving our learning centers, so I couldn't wait to put together some Halloween centers for us to use next month!

There are 5 literacy centers and 5 math centers included!  Click on the picture above to check it out!  It will be on sale for the next 24 hours!

Gearing Up for Back to School!

Wow, this summer has flown by!  I can't believe I only have 2 weeks left before I report back for pre-planning!  As the summer comes t...